Ps. 116:18, Ps. 138:7, Isa. 60:1, Rom. 8:13
- It is a year for re-writing negative family history. You can call 2020 a happy new year, also a happy new decade. You should make up your mind that you want to write off the negative trait of your family.
- It is a year of aggressive prayers against voices from foundation.
- It is a year of unbelievable answers to prayers. Mark my words, it is a year of uncommon testimonies.
- It’s a year of ‘it can only be God testimonies’.
- It’s a year where many captives will totally divorce their chains.
- For those of you who are students in the school of prayer, a year like this is a year of consistently activating the blood of Jesus. We should come back to our traditional blood of Jesus prayer.
- It’s a year when the Lord shall dash in pieces the kingdom of evil rulers.
- This year, many families shall climb to a new height of victories.
- It’s a year of ceaseless prayers. Don’t joke with prayers this year and fervent intercession. It will get you the desired result.
- It is a year when the saints must be more sensitive to heavenly frequencies.
- It’s a year that food supplies from the kingdom of Herod shall be cut off.
- It’s a year where disobedience to God will yield terrible results that no deliverance can reverse. When God has been talking to you and you have been disobeying, this is not a year to do that at all.
- It is a year when round the clock prayers are needed against national restlessness, political and economic confusion. For those who love this country, it is advisable to spare one day in the week as believers to fast and pray for our nation.
- This year, impatience will lure many into strange marriages. Be patience. The figure ‘20’ is a figure of waiting and perfection, be patient. Don’t be in an hurry. The Bible says, the race is not for the swift neither is the battle for the strong.
- It’s a year not only to take back what the enemy has stolen, but it’s a year you will occupy new territories.
- It’s a year when strong prayers are needed to avert earthquakes and fires.
- It’s a year of increased and unprecedented level of acceleration and move of the Spirit of God in the lives of His people.
- This is a year when you cannot hold onto un-forgiveness. Un-forgiveness will make you to miss out on what God wants to do in your life this year.
- This year 2020 will certainly be messy and confusing.
- It’s a year when some major leaders will be unbelievably shifted away.
- A year where all things that many have planted and watered in the past years will now begin to blossom and produce fruits.
- This is a year where many who have endured seasons of darkness, seasons of delay, seasons of trials and tribulation will sing their songs and dance their dance.
- It will be a year of returns of long time prodigals who have repented.
- This is a year where we must all return to our ancient land mark as written in Jeremiah 6:15-17. We must all go back to the path of holiness and righteousness so that all those things which used to happen during the time of our fathers will begin to happen again.
- It’s a year of perfection of divine vision for so many people.
- Year of positive and negative harvest. So, do well this year.
- Extraordinary and sacrificial giving will yield very powerful result this year. Being stingy will result in disappointment.
- This year 2020 will be an up and down year.
- It will be a year that the Lord shall tear in pieces the kingdom of those boasting against Him.
- It’s a season where that which has delayed the breakthrough of God’s children shall be dashed to pieces.
- That which is known as the resurrection power of the Holy Ghost will rattle dry bones back to life like the Ezekiel army.
- This year, the Lord will bring turning point and fresh starts for so many people.
- More than any other year, the enemy plans to release the dog spirit. Strange sexual perversion, strange sexual urges to destroy so many destinies. Its a year where the misuse of the two organs in your body will give rise to disastrous consequences. Your tongue and your sexual organs. It’s a year when you misuse them, you may not gather yourself together again to tell the story.